Sunday, September 22, 2013

So I have decided...

  Good evening readers! I hope you all had a good weekend? I know I did. Onto my decision, of a more strange matter.
  I make it almost a habit to try my hardest to read a book all the way through, honest I do. I can only recall about a handfull of books I've ever dropped officially in my LIFE. But my latest book, the one I had all the questions on and such, that was just curiouser and curiouser, I finally dropped. I couldn't get into the characters or the kind of fantasy it was. (I guess I DO have a kind of fantasy I don't like, wow weird.) Either way, I feel parting with this book was best for me, ya know? Have you guys ever just had to let go of a book cause even though it was popular/a genere you like/filled with good detial you just couldn't take it?
  My new book however, I am actually really interested to begin to read. The book is called Seraphina and it's by Rachel Heartman. A summary of the book can be found here and really, judging by the type of fiction it is I have a feeling I will really like it. I hope our dear Seraphina is as mysterious as she seems!

Goodnight readers!


  1. YES. Feed by M.T. Anderson. I couldn't make it through the first chapter. I didn't want to read about how boring it was to hang out on the moon.

  2. I'm glad you've found a new book you like!

  3. Sometimes it is a good thing to abandon books. You should never read something that doesn't bring you pleasure because that defeats the purpose of reading!
