Good morning readers! Today I come to you with a new book titled Under Different Stars by Amy A. Bartol. So far, my dear protagonist Kricket has fellen into the wrong hands from what I can tell- and they seem to be spouting nonsense to this orphan girl. The summary does make this encounter make more sense, but it surely is confusing for her. Grabbed at and tossed about until she escaped the system, Kricket has been running for a few years now. She only has to survive under the radar for a few more months to be free and a legal adult- but the arrival of people trying to get her to go somewhere that's apparently not in this world would mess with anyone. It's an incredibly action packed beginning, and you can immediately see just how street smart she is.
There are many ways the book could go from here- we're only in the beginning. Will Kricket escape the men? Probably. Will she get interested in this world and parents they speak of? Quite possibly, yes. Will there be lots of running? Absolutely. These and more are some of my predicitons and questions buzzing around my head. One of the many more important predicitons for me is the following: I do believe that Kricket will hurt someone she loves, and suffer greatly for it in the near future. Her nature is too unbalenced to not do so- and she's close to the edge with her fear as it is.
All in all, since I'm still in the very beginning of the book, I can't really say what will happen next. There's not enough material for me to make many predictions but I cannot wait to get back to reading so I can! It is a truly exciting and gripping book. Are there any important predictions in books you've read, readers, that you made that have come true? I hope to hear about them soon, but for now I'm off to read! Happy reading!
Ps: Look at that beautiful cover! Doesn't it make you wanna read lots more?