Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Dreams, Thoughts, and the Mind of a Boy Alone

  Hello readers! I come to you still from the depths of my book, Number9Dream. Eiji is an avid daydreamer, as I have stated before. Tody my post will be delving into the depths of this part of him, and what these daydreams may reveal about him as a person.
  The subtle transition between his daydreams are hard to spot. They seem just like coincidence at first, perfectly probable coincidence. A person steps out of a building, the rain begins, someone passes him a cigarette, and things like that are some of the starting points I have seen so far. The situations they evolve into however, are what keys you in. Eiji's mind has a bit of a adventureous streak- he seems to be the soul center of all the dreams, always saving the day and getting away with the plan, confronting the enemy and succeding or failing miserably on his own and being left to lay there dying. (I can say that even though this sounds quite morbid, my daydreams have lead me to this spot too occasionally.)
   This re-occuring  'hero' theme in his dreams leads me to believe that Eiji sees himself as normal and overly blank spot in this Tokyo canvas he has found himself in. You may disagree with me, but take a look at this way of thinking. He comes from a farming island, a place where there's not as much excitement at all. His roots however, from his parentage at least, lie in cities like Tokyo, where he is now. Being raised away from, then returning to your roots can make you feel quite out of place- plus when you had to rely on your own mind for excitement all the time as a child with your twin anyway, being put into a large environment like you much desired but still having that mind can lead to some pretty wishful thinking. Most of the times life dosen't live up to expectations anyway.
   This desperation for more, the feeling of being normal and plain is what I think will drive Eiji to do things that drastically alter the plot the more I read on. This imagination and curiosity covering this rather plain country boy just wanting more is going to change him- but for the better or worse I cannot yet tell.

   To get an example of what the transitions and daydreams of Eiji's are like (sort of), below is a short film clip called "Destino" done by Disney and Salvador Dali (A famos painter) from 2003. I feel that the clip shows how strange and roundabout these dreams really can be for someone who does not know what exactly the border between his reality and fantasy are.
Well, for now I bid all you wonderful readiers adieu! Happy reading!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Whoops I did it again...(But I'm starting a new book so it's ok right? No?)

   Good afternoon good readers, I have yet again missed a post day- but alas I cannot deliver several things in one post to you today like I really did before. So for today I shall fill you in on what I have begun to read for now and give you some summary to it!
  To those of you who had been following me for Through Glass, I am glad to inform you I ginished the book and am now in immense pain as I await a sequel- whydo books have to be like that? Alexis found others- and some things about herself from the others as well. Not everything is as it seems, and no one can be trusted. That's all I can say about it in the end, and now I must once again wait- January 2014 get here fast!
   I have begun to read a book (suggested and borrowed from by my dear friend Trang- go go read her blog, it's highly interesting and amusing!) called Number 9 Dream and it's by David Mitchell. God this book is confuising if you don't catch on quickly to what's going on. Our main character, Eiji Miyake, is one of the most interesting daydreamers I have ever had the pleasure (and at the same time displeasure- dangit Eiji.) to venture onto within a book. When I say venture I mean it- since the book is in first person, we litterally fall headfirst into his daydreams several times throughought the book. Considering there are only 8 chapters total in the book, you can imagine they are rather large chunks as the book is about 400-450 pages long.  I am currently in chapter 2 of the book and- even with Eiji's active imagination distracting us from the main course of time and story, enjoying the book immensely.
   Eiji is a boy who grew up without his father but knew he was out there- litterally he knew that he was exactly out there considering we start the book in a cafe in Tokyo, across the street from the building where the information upon his father's exact wherabouts can be found, but not easily taken, from a lawyer that goes by the name of Ms. Kato. This boy is on a hunt to find his father, no matter what it takes- and so far although I'm not too far in, it's not easy for him. Sisterless and far away from his little island off the coast of Japan, he is alone and I feel rather naive and this adventure- I can only hope he grows and begins to realize he's not as suave as he thinks.

A probably better summary of my book can be found here on goodreads, and for now I'm off to read again. (This book is hard to read in big chunks due to confusion- I gotta take it slow.) Farewel readers, and good reading to all of you that are getting the newest book in the Divergent series I heard came out today! (Or at least I think that's what series it was.. Either way happy reading!)

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Dual Post: aka Caitlin is Behind and so She is Going to Post About 2 Things Today!

  Good afternoon dear readers- I have failed to bring you the usual 2 posts a week this past weekend due to some personal things that have kept me busy to today I will be posting about 2 things- both my book and Romeo and Juliet, the play I'm sure we have all heard about due to it's many recreations in several forms of... Art I guess.

  First off, I will talk about my book. Oh dear gosh is this a good book. (Kind of on the graphic side though if your imagination is as actice and creative as mine is.) Through Glass is so fantastic- it has wonderful characterization so far, and there are so many suspense filed moments I just can't take it!      Our main character, Alexis, has finally decided and accomplished leaving her house. Within this accomplishment, the death toll has risen again-now to about 3 Ulama (otherwise known as tar) and 2 human. I can't reveal WHO has died, as that would ruin so much about her development- but boy has she developed. Alexis is no longer a submissive rule follower- she is busting out of the boundries she's been placed into by the Ulama, facing and beating death head on again and again, just to try to find others, find information, find anything! Her effort is inspiring honestly- it would make anyone root for this girl like I am. I can only wait and read on to see what she uncovers about the creatures that destroyed everything she ever loved and more in this thrilling book. And so I read on!

  Now for today's interesting bound into the characters in Romeo and Juliet! There are many things I could say about the people within this story- and how they affected our common character 'generes' that we have in most litterature today! (Thanks Shakespeare!) I will be focusing on the main 2 today though- Romeo and Juliet themselves.
  Romeo, oh Romeo, you are rather controlled by your emotions aren't you dear Romeo? I have discoverd this throughought the short amount of the play that we have covered in language arts class- and it has caused me to take a look into you for some reason as to why this is. Romeo has 'fallen in love;' about 2 times now since we stared this play. Though many may see this as not a good sign for a male character, I think it shows something a bit deeper about the boy. Romeo has a rather open heart- he loves easily and often, and from what we can see, when this love ends he is damaged by it too- meaning there is defanetly some true emotional connection to him when he proclaims his so called 'love' to others. I believe that this is a sign of a good person, and had he lived and not died from this love's unfortunate connections, I think in due time he would have managed to end the feud between the families. I'm not sure about how I feel about you messing around with Juliet yet boy, but I do think your heart is in the right place in the end.
  Darling baby Juliet, you're of the tender and very young age of almost 13. You seem so innocent to me- but also slightly aware of just what control your actions have upon others. With Romeo's influence, you will probably loose this control, and subsuquently suffer from it- but if you had survived, I feel it would have made you a beter person an thus this puts you in the light of good in my head when it comes to characters. Though Ifeel I don't know you quite as well as dear Romeo, I think I might just become attached to you in the end after all.
  And with those parting words, I bid thee farewell- and back to reading I go! See ya readers!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I'm Not Quite Sure About My Emotions

  Hello readers, I come to you from the beginning pages of my book to inform you that this post could also be titled I Really Don't Know What's Going On But It Hurts: Part of the Emotions By Book Series. I'm sure many of you know this feeling- when a book is SO good and/or SO emotionally capturing you become the character- suffering close to as much as they are.  I'm currently dealing with this feeling concerning my new book Through Glass. I feel so bad for poor Alexis- her life was picking up, she was about to graduate soon, her lifelong crush had just admitted he liked her back!  
  But then readers, oooh but then- BAM! Plot twist that I knew was coming from reading the book's description- but it hurts so much more than I thought it would. The  virtual apocalypse has happened- and everyone is quickly dying around Alexis, at speeds of thousands per second it seems. Her family? Most likely gone. Her? Almost dead. Her crush and forever friend? He's nowhere to be seen across the 15 foot gap between their houses windows- at least that's due to the never ending and deep permeating darkness that is now raging down upon their little town in Texas- litterally falling in oily black drops from the sky along with strange, horrifying bird and human like creatures with large claws that kill you in seconds.
  Humanity seems doomed and so does our baby Alexis (I know she's a senior in high school- but I like her and her firey red hair so much that I have deemed her a top character already- thus the attachment.) And so I can't wait to see what comes next! Will they survive? What has happened to her crush? What are these creatures, and why are they here? WHAT IS GOING ON EVERYWHERE ELSE? Sorry for the intensity, this book has just seriously thrown me for a loop- I'm only 20% in! Well dear readers, I'm off to continue the reading of this oh so interestingly tragic book- I'll keep you updated on it as I go! See you soon!

Sunday, October 6, 2013

After A Long Weekend Is Said and Done...

Good evening readers. I come back to you a whole year older this rainy sunday to tell you that in my last post- yeah that didn't end up happening. I fell headfirst into another fiction book that was not realistic (I think) fiction or the next book in the Unspoken series. My book that I have chosen to begin (and not gotten too far into either for that matter) is called Through Glass and it's by Rebbecca Ethington. A summary of the book can be found here- and it's what truly hooked me into the book (Thank you goodreads!).
  There are so many possibilities and places the author could go with this book- it could be mind breakingly different or blandly steriotypical- we can only see! I can't wait to see how well our protagonist fairs! Good night readers, see you all tomorrow!

(PS: How was everyone's weekend? I know mine was fantastic- Homecoming and a birthday whew am I tired. Sorry for the so short post- and well, that's really all. See ya! )

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

I need to blog more between reading spurts...

  Good afternoon readers! I once again, am almost done with my book. Yes again. I need to stop doing that. BUT I'm not done yet! Need  has been a farily interesting book so far, and I was right in assuming some things about it being akin to twilight plot wise. (That being girl moves in to new place, place is freaking suspicious, girl meets guy, guy is not how he seems at all!) I can now answer some of my previous questions though- but due to spoilers I will not answer them here! (To see these questions see this post) Zara's life got kind of hectic, and some of the character arcs within the book were less filled out that I 'd hoped they'd be, but overall this has been a decent ride for a fantasy book that is oh so close to stereotype. I'd rate it about a 3.5 out of 5 stars- and this is mostly for interesting main character and a ok storyline with still some twists I didn't quite expect.

  I have decided that my next book will be either A) the next book in the Unspoken series- it came out last week I just lack the funds to get it from the kindle store- or B) a realistic fiction, considering I haven't read one of those in a while and I've recently seen a few that look somewhat interesting to me. (A note to my frined Trang: Do you have anny suggestions my dear friend? No I will not read TFiOS, please don't suggest it)

  Well, for now readers, I must be off to finish my book and to look into others for me to read next. I bid you all a happy reading!